Prototype video with 360 camera and infographics / motion graphics. I was asked for a podcast session at HIRO and just bought a GoPro Max. While I was talking about what I like to do – combining many types of media – I came up with the idea you see here; visualized in the video of me talking. This is research and development for the interactive 360 version of my ‘ONE’ project – an interactive infographic explaining the book in a (realtime) 3D / 360 way. The 360 prototype is best viewed on Youtube (desktop/mobile), see link below.

Prototype video with 360 camera and infographics / motion graphics. I was asked for a podcast session at HIRO and just bought a GoPro Max. While I was talking about what I like to do – combining many types of media – I came up with the idea you see here; visualized in the video of me talking. This is research and development for the interactive 360 version of my ‘ONE’ project – an interactive infographic explaining the book in a (realtime) 3D / 360 way. The 360 prototype is best viewed on Youtube (desktop/mobile), see link below.